Arduino Piano Keyboard

After learning about the Arduino tone function, the musician in me had the idea of a simple pushbutton keyboard. This is an easy project with a fun and interactive result. The first iteration I made included just the 8 notes of the C5 major scale. For version 2, I added the 5 black keys. With the particular breadboard I was using the key spacing was a somewhat crowded. You can use a passive buzzer of a speaker depending on what you have around. I tried both just to see how each sounded.


  • Pushbuttons (8-13)
  • 1k Ohm resistors (8-13)
  • Jumper cables/wires
  • Speaker or passive buzzer
  • Arduino Uno/Nano


Here’s the basic hardware schematic. I only included one pushbutton in this layout, but of course, it’s the same for each button. You just need to pick an Arduino I/O pin for each push button key. The analog input pins can also be used as output pins. The positive end of the speaker/buzzer also needs to connect to an Arduino output pin.


This is the code for the full chromatic octave (13 notes), but it can easily be modified to included only the major notes. The code can be downloaded here: igarrison-1/ee-makes (

You need to make sure to included a pitches.h files which is done by clicking the three dot button in the top right, creating a new tab named ‘pitches.h” and pasting the code found here: pitches.h (

include "pitches.h"
int buzzPin = 13; //pin for buzzer
//white keys
int C4 = 2; //arduino pin for each note in order of C-major scale
int D4 = 3;
int E4 = 4;
int F4 = 5;
int G4 = 6;
int A = 7;
int B4 = 8;
int C5 = 9;
//black keys
int CS4 = A4;
int DS4 = 10;
int FS4 = 11;
int GS4 = 12;
int AS4 = A5;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); //serial moniter on for debugging purposes
pinMode(buzzPin, OUTPUT); //speaker/buzzer set to output
pinMode(C4, INPUT); //Keyboard buttons set to input
pinMode(D4, INPUT);
pinMode(E4, INPUT);
pinMode(F4, INPUT);
pinMode(G4, INPUT);
pinMode(A, INPUT);
pinMode(B4, INPUT);
pinMode(C5, INPUT);
pinMode(CS4, INPUT);
pinMode(DS4, INPUT);
pinMode(FS4, INPUT);
pinMode(GS4, INPUT);
pinMode(AS4, INPUT);
void loop() {
while (digitalRead(C4)==HIGH){ //if the button is pressed, use the tone function to play the note
tone(buzzPin, NOTE_C4);} //tone parameters are: output pin, frequency, duration (if needed). Included the pin and the cooresponding note from pitches.h
while (digitalRead(D4)==HIGH){
tone(buzzPin, NOTE_D4);}
while (digitalRead(E4)==HIGH){
tone(buzzPin, NOTE_E4);}
while (digitalRead(F4)==HIGH){
tone(buzzPin, NOTE_F4);}
while (digitalRead(G4)==HIGH){
tone(buzzPin, NOTE_G4);}
while (digitalRead(A)==HIGH){
tone(buzzPin, NOTE_A4);}
while (digitalRead(B4)==HIGH){
tone(buzzPin, NOTE_B4);}
while (digitalRead(C5)==HIGH){
tone(buzzPin, NOTE_C5);}
while (digitalRead(CS4)==HIGH){
tone(buzzPin, NOTE_CS4);}
while (digitalRead(DS4)==HIGH){
tone(buzzPin, NOTE_DS4);}
while (digitalRead(FS4)==HIGH){
tone(buzzPin, NOTE_FS4);}
while (digitalRead(GS4)==HIGH){
tone(buzzPin, NOTE_GS4);}
while (digitalRead(AS4)==HIGH){
tone(buzzPin, NOTE_AS4);}
noTone(buzzPin); //noTone function turns the sound off else it will play indefinitely

That’s about it. Have fun!